Core Values

Our core values

We understand that to truly be whole in life we must come to a deeply rooted belief that God is Love and God Loves me. This is the crux of the Gospel and is the truth that sets us free to be who we were created to be. Learning to live in intimacy, companionship, and within the embrace of this God of Love is our greatest joy and delight in this life. 

We believe that every person deserves to know that they are absolutely loved and accepted, valuable and precious and a treasure to God and the world around them regardless of their gender, race, or tradition. 

We are of the conviction that everyone "belongs" even before anyone has decided to belong. 

We look for God among the broken and lowly, and start with ministry to the poor, despised, and rejected. Those who  society often writes off as the least of these are actually God's greatest treasures. What we do to others, we do to Him. What we do does matter. 

We gladly choose to stop for the one in front of us. We recognize that global transformation does not start with the masses but in the individual experience. 

We are a family centered around gentleness, compassion, grace, restorative justice, tenderness, affection, peace, joy and love as a normal expression and rhythm in life. At it’s very core we are counter-cultural, yet awakening within people what they've longed for all along. 

We value the teaching of Christ as the source of all inspiration and His life within us as the strength to courageously live out that inspiration. 

We choose to be intentional with our love, seeing every circumstance as an opportunity to grow in our love for one another and the one in front of us. 

We recognize that in order for love to win, we must practice mercy toward those who are often set against us. To whom mercy was given, mercy is required. 

We are convicted to live a life of radical faith, trusting that God has given us the ability to make the impossible become possible. Because we choose abandoned trust as a daily lifestyle we often must make decisions that will cause us to step beyond the comfortable and see the miraculous.